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the Sacral Chakra

Jan 7, 2020

4 min read




Next in the Seven Chakras and Chakra Medicine blog series, is the Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra. Svadhishthana is comes from the Sanskrit words, ‘Swa‘ and ‘Adhisthana’, meaning ‘one’s own abode’.

The Sacral chakra, also known as the Sex chakra, is located approximately three inches below the navel and spins at the color frequency of orange.

Expanding upon, the foundations of The Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra begins to turn us outward towards building relationships with others. It is associated with our emotions, sexuality, creativity, pleasure, sensuality and flow. Its function is guided by the pleasure-pain principle and characterized by flexibility, adaptability. It correlates with the sense of taste, the reproductive organs, and all of our fluid systems including the lymphatic, urinary, and circulatory systems.

When our Sacral Chakra is open and in balance, we feel:

  1. emotionally balanced

  2. Accept change

  3. Go with the flow

  4. Creative

  5. Expressive and display our feelings in a positive manner

  6. playful

  7. connected to our body and emotions

  8. healthy sexual desires and intimacy

When our Sacral Chakra is out of balance, or blocked we may experience the following:

  1. trust issues

  2. creatively blocked

  3. dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that allows to easily access pleasure

  4. disconnected and out of touch with yourself and feelings

  5. sexual repression or impulsivity.

  6. attention seeking

  7. inability to nurture self and others

  8. reproductive problems such as infertility, impotence or menstrual problems. 

  9. lower back pain, kidney or stomach disorders

Below is a link for a Self-Assessment Questionnaire. If you answer, “yes” to most the questions on the questionnaire you very well may have an imbalance with your Sacral chakra. In the next section, Chakra Medicine, I offer suggestions on how to begin healing and bringing your Sacral Chakra back into balance.

Receive your self-assessment

“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.” ~Brene Brown

In his book, Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral Medicine, Amit Goswami, PhD. Please note this post contains an Amazon Affiliate link. See Disclaimer at the bottom of this post.

Blocks are created by negative energy that is unable to be released from the body such as negative energy experienced through traumatic life experiences, emotional challenges and even by picking up the energy of other people or energy that is stuck in some places. Whatever the cause for your energy block, a block in one chakra will affect the overall energy flow throughout the chakra system as they are all interconnected and manifest as ailments in the mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual bodies.

There are various ways you can bring your chakras back into proper alignment and balance including reiki, Angel Energy Healing, other forms of vibrational healing, sound frequency, crystals, affirmations, and meditation.

Here are some ways you can start bringing your Sacral chakra back into balance.

Essential oils* and incense: Rosemary, orange, bergamot, ylang ylang

Crystals: Carnelian, sunstone, tangerine quartz.

  1. Carnelian is used to promote peace and harmony, dispel depression and fears, counteract negative thoughts, reduce irritability, give one courage, support creativity as well as the reproductive organs, fertility and sexuality.  Carnelian is also known as the Stone of Leadership, Motivation and Endurance. 

  2. Sunstone increases self-confidence and self-esteem, promotes good humor cheerfulness, and enthusiasm, brings peace and helps to bring a positive attitude to oneself and towards life.

  3. Tangerine quartz helps to balance emotions, enhances self-understanding and self-worth, helps to find balance between giving and receiving, boosts creativity, encourages curiosity, and gives one the courage to move forward.


  1. “I value and respect my body.”

  2. “I am creative.”

  3. “I enjoy life and live it to the fullest.”

  4. “I express my feelings in a healthy way.”

  5. “I connect well with others without losing who I am.”

  6. “My sexuality is sacred.”

Other recommendations and therapies: Angel Energy Healing, yoga, art therapy including Cosmic Smash Booking, color therapy, meditation and spending time by a body, soaking in the tub or taking a shower (the element of water is related to the emotional realm and the sacral chakra).

Journaling: I have included a PDF of Sacral Chakra Journaling Questions to help you connect with your Sacral chakra.

In the next blog in this series, we will dive deeper into the Solar Plexus chakra, the third chakra in the main chakra system.

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As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click on a link in this blog post and make a purchase on Amazon, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I personally use and believe will add value to my readers. Thank you for your support!

#Balance #dependency #crystals #intimacy #playfulness #incense #tangerinequartz #pleasure #trust #sunstone #colortherapy #Reiki #menstrualproblems #Sacralchakra #creativity #orange #AngelEnergyHealing #EssentialOils #relationships #Carnelian #change #nurturing #meditation #kidneydisorders #lowerbackpain #expression #Yoga #flow #flexibility #Sexchakra #connection #reproductiveorgans #emotions #stomachdisorders #Affirmations #arttherapy #soundfrequency #adaptability #vibrationalhealing #sexuality #healing #sensuality