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Monthly Oracle Reading – July 2023

Jul 1, 2023

3 min read




Happy July! It’s hard to believe that another month has passed and we are now moving towards the last half of the year; with Litha, aka the Summer Solstice behind us, the days are slowly starting to get shorter.

 Based on the requests from several of my Angel Energy Healing clients to please bring back my Oracle readings, I agreed to start a weekly email with Angel Messages and to bring back my Monthly Oracle blog. In addition, I offer personal Oracle readings that can be found in our online Shoppe that can be added to your Angel Energy Session at a reduced rate.

The Monthly Oracle blog took on a new format when I brought it back instead of drawing a card for each week, I now ask the Oracle for a theme we need to focus on for the month.

This month I asked the Oracle, “What do we need to know as a collective for the month of July? Where do we need to put our focus/intention?”  So, without further ado, let’s see what the Oracle has to reveal for July.


This July, the emphasis is on creating space and time for recovery and self-care. It invites us to release judgment and expectations, allowing healing to unfold naturally

The challenging emotions and setbacks you have been dealing with will soon be over and fade away into the past. Although it may be difficult to see right now, there is a joyful future awaiting you. But for now, take all the time you need to heal, rest and regain your strength.

Send gratitude to heaven and your angels as you visualize in your mind’s eye that you are fully healed and recovered knowing fully in your heart that time is arriving a lot sooner than you think. Remember to thank them for their help and begin planning for the next exciting phase in your life.

Have a healing and magickal month of July focusing on rest and recovery. I can’t wait to hear what exciting things you are planning for your next chapter!

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If you want Angel Messages delivered right to your inbox, sign up for the Bella Rose Healing Hands Community Newsletter by filling out the “Let’s Keep In Touch” form at the bottom of this page.  If you rather have a personalized reading, please visit our Shoppe.


Oracle card readings are for entertainment and personal insight only. The readings are not performing or intended as mental or physical health therapy, medical diagnosis or treatment, legal or financial advice, and do not replace professional health services, professional legal or financial services. Nor are they intended as fortune-telling or predictive sessions.

Each intuitive oracle card reading with Isabella Rose – Bella Rose Healing Hands is an interpretation of the cards, their information, and the intuitive details received at the time of the reading session. Please remember that each individual should take what feels good and true for them out of the experience, using their own interpretation and logic. Anything that does not feel correct or appropriate should be left aside or put aside for further reflection. No guarantees or promises are made about the information provided, the effects of it, or the steps and actions taken afterward by an individual or individuals.

#PersonalGrowth #SpiritualGuidance #Angels #OracleReadings #SelfReflection #SelfCare #IntentionalLiving #AngelMessages #Recovery #healing